ComeMISSION 2020

ComeMission is a missions experience that will be taking place locally. We will be serving locally in many different areas. We will be working with organizations like New Life International, Love City, The Salem Women's Shelter, and many other local places. 

Each day we will be going somewhere different and serving people. As we get closer to the event exact locations for individual students will become available. This Mission experience is a great way to begin to see what missions is all about. Each evening we will be returning to Wonder Valley Christian Camp. There we will shower, eat, and spend the night in preparation for the next day. Students will need to arrive at Wonder Valley at 5 on Sunday March 22 or meet the bus at the church to head over together. We will finish at 5 on Wednesday the 25. This is an awesome way students can spend their Spring Break serving those in need. Cost is $50 and covers all supplies, meals, overnights, and everything else. See the Packing List below for items students need to bring with them.



Clothes for at least 3 days of work (may want to bring extra outfits in case we get sweaty.)

Warm Clothes - Depending on local weather

Multiple Pairs of shoes (One pair of "work" shoes/boots that can get dirty

Towel + Toiletries - Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, D.O., anything else (We request students shower daily)

Bedding - Each student will be sleeping in a heated room on a twin bed. They can bring a pillow and a sleeping bag, or sheets and blankets. Their choice.




Cell Phones - Not required but allowed. We do not assume liability for phones. This will allow students to share what they are doing with their friends. We will have a lesson each evening and will ask that phones stay put away during this time. Signal is also not great at WVCC. 


Obviously Dangerous Items (Guns, Lighters, Matches, Fireworks, Tazers, etc.) (please use common sense)

Valuables (Anything brought on the trip is at the students and their parents own risk, we try to keep everyones valuables safe, but sometimes things are out of our control, we suggest not bringing anything too valuable just in case.)